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Monday, September 25, 2006

NIH Grant Success Rates and Change from 2004, by NIH institutes FY2005

The figure below shows a summary of NIH research grant application awards and success rates by NIH institutes in 2005, as well as change in awards and success rates from 2004.

Overall, results indicate that overall grant success rate dropping by 2.3%, or an absolute grant award decrease by 453 funded projects and -$171 million.

[Click to image to enlarge]

Note: Success rates indicate the percentage of reviewed Research Project Grant applications that receive funding. Applications that have one or more amendments in the same fiscal year are only counted once. The total cost is the sum of the direct and indirect costs for each fiscal year, and not for the life of the project.

(Source: manually tabulated from NIH data by the Editor. Table available in Excel by request. Additionally success rate data by grant mechanism is available here)

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