About the Journal
[Epidemiologic Inquiry 2006, 1: 1]
UPDATE: As of September 2006, Epidemiologic Inquiry will be revamped as an online weblog for epidemiology and clinical medicine related content, rather than a formal online journal. After feedback from readers, the editors have decided to adopt a blog format to better serve interested readers. However, we still believe in the original principles to not only bring news, but also insightful analysis on occassions. Thank you for your continued readership.
In a world with ever increasing pace of scientific investigations, important research findings are often disseminated too slowly through the general scientific community-- slowly as in weeks or months, instead of hours and days. Furthermore, methodologic controversies are usually discussed via word of mouth soon after the publication, and written responses to journals often appear months after publication -- too slow to engage readers, too long of a lag to maintain relevance, and too long a period of time for potentially flawed study results to propagate uninhibited. Finally, outstanding investigations are too often under- or unrecognized in epidemiology and medicine...PURPOSE: The Journal is a fresh and innovative online weblog exploring the most outstanding, fascinating, and controversial. The Journal highlights and examines important epidemiologic contributions to medicine and public health - the latest controversies in contemporary epidemiology and medicine - as well as critiques of the occassional flawed study. The Journal also seek to discuss the need for new methods and analytic approaches in epidemiology whenever appropriate.
Another innovative approach of the Journal is in highlighting the most important latest research in epidemiology and medicine at breaking-news speed of traditional mass-media-- all while maintaining depth of content and not sacrificing the sine-qua-non essense of a scientific publication.
The Journal publishes brief commentaries and editorials, from both readers and editors, on the latest in epidemiology and clinical medicine by editors and submitting authors. The Journal also sponsors a series of prizes titled the "Epidemiologic Inquiry Awards" to recognize outstanding scientific investigations. The editorial board consists of a group of researchers who recognize the importance of highlighting important contemporary advances and critical achievements in epidemiology and medicine.
SUBMISSIONS: Readers to highly encouraget to contribute your thoughts and insights to the Journal. To contribute your brief letter/commentary (less than 300 words) or carefully composed editorial review (less than 1200 words), please submit your article and figures in email format (no PDF) to epidemiologic@gmail.com, along with your contact information. Any references should be listed in AMA format. All submissions are reviewed by the editorial board, although commentaries are frequently accepted to open forum for discussion.
Rapid Response submissions: Rapid responses to online articles may be freely posted via the 'comment' box under each posting. References only need to cite the URL of an article abstract for such responses. All responses must be professional and courteous, slander is prohibited.
OPEN ACCESS: All published material become open-access without charge to the public. However, the Journal and the original author(s) retain copyright of original content materials, unless otherwise declared. Distribution and reproduction of the Journal's content for commercial purposes without expressed permission is prohibited. The Journal remains independent to avoid all article processing and access charges, and is supported by time donated by the editorial board. Publicity support and donations are both welcome and appreciated. Advertisers of relevant job postings are welcome to contact the Journal.
Citatations: Articles and awards published by the Journal are citable as [Epidemiologic Inquiry 2006, 1: 1 ], consistent with BIOMED CENTRAL format for online publications.
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